In today’s dynamic business environment, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are facing the challenge of adapting to remote work practices. Recognizing this need, the Erasmus+ project “Re.Ma. Remote Management for SMEs” has been initiated by a consortium of partners including Metalaxis from the Czech Republic, ECTE – European Center in Training for Employment from Greece, and LDI from Germany.

The project aims to equip SME managers with the necessary skills and tools to effectively manage remote teams. It begins with a thorough review of existing remote management practices, followed by an assessment of SMEs’ readiness for remote work in the partner regions. By identifying the essential skills required for remote management, the project seeks to provide targeted training and support for SME managers.

Aligned with European standards for vocational education and training, the project will develop a curriculum tailored to the needs of SME managers. Additionally, a Massive Online and Open Course (MOOC) will be created to provide flexible and accessible training opportunities.

The partners involved in the project share a common goal of empowering SMEs to thrive in the remote work era. Through collaborative efforts, they aim to support SME managers in navigating the challenges and opportunities of remote management, ultimately driving growth and success for SMEs in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.



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