In the city of Brno, Czech Republic, on January 26, 2024, three consortium members gathered for a pivotal meeting, marking the final stretch of their collaborative journey. Metalaxis from the Czech Republic, ECTE – European Center in Training for Employment from Greece, and LDI from Germany met to put the finishing touches on the Erasmus+ project “Re.Ma. Remote Management for SMEs”. Their mission? To boost the skills of SME managers in remote management strategies and tools.

Here’s what went down:

1. Final Touches on the Project: The consortium reviewed their progress and hashed out the last few tasks needed to wrap up the project. With excitement in the air, they worked together to ensure everything was in place for a successful conclusion.

2. Looking Back, Moving Forward: Reflecting on their journey, the consortium took a moment to evaluate the project as a whole. They gathered feedback from stakeholders to understand what worked well and what could be improved, setting the stage for future endeavors.

3. Spreading the Word: Recognizing the importance of sharing their findings, the consortium crafted a plan to spread the word far and wide. From conferences to online platforms, they brainstormed ways to share their research and insights with the SME community and beyond.

4. Exploring Future Collaborations: As they neared the end, the consortium members also discussed opportunities for future collaboration. They valued their partnership and saw potential for more projects that promote innovation in SME management.

As the meeting wrapped up, there was a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what lay ahead. The Erasmus+ project “Re.Ma. Remote Management for SMEs” had made its mark, arming SME managers with the skills they need to thrive in a digital world. In Brno, Czech Republic, collaboration and dedication had paved the way for a brighter future for SMEs across Europe.



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