Transnational Meeting in Berlin, Germany
The transnational meeting held in Berlin, Germany, on January 20, 2023, brought together three consortium members to discuss and collaborate on various aspects of their project. The survey responses from the participants shed light on their perceptions of the meeting’s organization, communication, and effectiveness.
Respondents confirmed that all Work Packages were outlined and discussed in length during the meeting. Additionally, all participants left the meeting with a clear understanding of the next steps and actions assigned to each partner. Importantly, all respondents agreed that the set goals for the meeting were achieved successfully.
In conclusion, the feedback from the consortium members paints a highly positive picture of the transnational meeting held in Berlin. The organization, communication, and coordination by the host partner were well-received, and the meeting successfully facilitated productive discussions and collaboration among the consortium members. Overall, the meeting was deemed effective in achieving its goals and objectives.

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